Acoustic Studies

Acoustic surveys allow the overall assessment of noise pollution exposure in a given area and the making of global predictions for that area.

The current legislation requires the elaboration of acoustic studies prior to the authorisation of different activities and projects.

At CTA we have extensive experience in carriying out noise impact studies, tanto en la fase preoperacional, con la evaluación previa de los niveles de contaminación acústica mediante mediciones «in situ» y modelizaciones acústicas, como la fase operacional, en donde se predicen los niveles sonoros de la situación futura con ayuda de software de predicción acústica.

Estudio Acústico - Fase Preoperacional

Acoustic Study - Pre-operational Phase (day Ld, afternoon Le, night Ln)


Estudio Acústico - Fase Operacional

Acoustic Study - Pre-operational Phase (day Ld, afternoon Le, night Ln)


CTA provides solutions for:

Territorial and urban planning

These instruments must include among their determinations the acoustic zoning of the territory, the acoustic easement zones and the measures foreseen to prevent and guarantee that the acoustic quality objectives are achieved.

At CTA we have extensive experience in the preparation of Acoustic Studies associated with the drafting, revisions and modifications of the PGOU, partial plans, Detailed Studies, etc.

Transport infrastructures

Acoustic impact studies of new transport infrastructures or for the modification of existing infrastructures. Establishment of preventive and corrective measures against noise pollution, recommendations for the delimitation of acoustic easements and noise transmission zones.

At CTA we have the means to characterise the following noise emitters: rail, road, airport and port infrastructures.

Industry and Energy

Acoustic Studies based on predictive models and noise measurements prior to the implementation of a noisy industrial or energy generation activity.

Estimation of noise levels, and proposal of preventive and corrective measures, including engineering solutions.


Acoustic Studies prior to the granting of building permits, on the surroundings of construction sites and plots where buildings intended for housing, hospital, care, educational and cultural uses are located.

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